Manhole Cover Testing Machines
ParsRos Manhole 1
ParsRos Manhole 2
ParsRos Rogar Kapagi Test Cihazi 5
ParsRos Rogar Kapagi Test Cihazi 6 1

Manhole Cover Testing Machines

ParsRos Manhole Cover Testing Machines are designed for testing of steel fiber and reinforced, metal and composite manhole covers according to EN 1917, EN 124 and

EN 1433 standards.

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Manhole Cover Testing Machines

ParsRos Manhole Cover Testing Machines are designed for testing of steel fiber and reinforced, metal and composite manhole covers according to

EN 1917, EN 124 and EN 1433 standards.

Test systems; suitable for manhole covers of type A15, B125, C250, D400, E600, F900 tests and testers consists of a 4-column body and a double-stage actuator and

electronic power unit for capacities from 100 kN to 1500 kN.

The machines control is provided by PC controlled Electronic Controller .

Electronic Contoller ; has the appropriate test modules to perform the following tests:

Manhole Cover Compression Test

Manhole Cover Bending Test

Manhole Cover Permanent Set Test

Manhole Cover Removal Test (upon request, as optional)

Manhole Cover Tilt Test (upon request, as optional)

Manhole Cover Pull Off Test (upon request, as optional)

The system is equipped with Optical Sensor for the measurement of permanent seating tests. System is capable for cyclic loading tests and load constant loading tests at

adjustable test speeds.

Manhole Cover Testing Machines – Standard Compression, Bending and Crushing Tests

The sensors can be calibrated at unlimited points, thus enabling precise calibration.

Material Testing Software can detect 50 sensors. (LVDT, transducer, extensometer etc.)

Program and module devices (such as loadcell, transmitter, elongation scale, temperature sensor, encoder, extensometer) read the sensors precisely and transfer

them to the interface.

Program, pdf, excel, bmp formats can  be reported.

Program graphs should provide graphs such as force-elongation, force-time, force-position, force-strain, or can be defined according to the sensor and formulas

requested by the user.

The desired unit can be defined according to the test device.

The program graph screen is capable of moving and zooming to examine the graph after the test is finished.

Formulas can be defined according to test requirements