ASTM D3759
ParsRos 50 kN
ParsRos Pneumatic (2.6kN at 7 bar) and mechanical (5kN)
ParsRos Pneumatic ribbon grip 10 kN
ParsRos Ribbon grips 5-20 kN
ParsRos Ribbon grips 15-250 kN
ParsRos Ribbon grips 200-300 kN

ASTM D3759 – Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength and Elongation of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes

ASTM D3759  –  Tape Tensile Strength + Elongation

ASTM D3759 is used to characterize the breaking strength, elongation, and “F” value of PSA tapes. Tapes are commonly pulled in the tensile mode during application

and final usage.

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ASTM D3759 – Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength and Elongation of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes

***  PARSROS  offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of lap shear tests

that are accurate and repeatable.

Teknik Detaylar İçin Lütfen Bizimle İletişime Geçiniz !!!

Please contact with our engineers so that we can find and offer  Best Universal Tensile Test Machines , Grips , Jaws and Other Accessories for your operations