ISO 14704 Flexural Strength of Monolithic Ceramics at Room Temperature
ISO 14704 Flexural Strength of Monolithic Ceramics at Room Temperature 2
ISO 14704 Flexural Strength of Monolithic Ceramics at Room Temperature 3
ISO 14704 Flexural Strength of Monolithic Ceramics at Room Temperature 4
ISO 14704 Flexural Strength of Monolithic Ceramics at Room Temperature 5

ISO 14704 – Flexural Strength of Monolithic Ceramics at Room Temperature

ISO 14704  specifies a test method for determining the flexural strength of monolithic fine ceramics, and whisker- or particulate-reinforced ceramic composites,

at room temperature and applies to materials with grain size less than 200 µm.

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ISO 14704 Fine Ceramics (Advanced Ceramics, Advanced Technical Ceramics)

Test Method for Flexural Strength of Monolithic Ceramics at Room Temperature


ISO 14704  specifies a test method for determining the flexural strength of monolithic fine ceramics, and whisker- or particulate-reinforced ceramic composites,

at room temperature and applies to materials with grain size less than 200 µm.

NOTE :  Since fracture is due to tensile stress, flexural strength data can be used to calculate a uniaxial tensile strength considering the effect of the tested volume

and Weibull-statistics. So, flexural strength is often used in substitute for uniaxial tensile strength.


A suitable testing machine capable of applying a uniform cross-head speed that will result in a time to failure between 3 s to 30 s or approximately 0.5 mm/min shall

be used.

The testing machine shall be in accordance with ISO 7500-1, Class 1, with an accuracy of 1 % of the indicated load at fracture.


*** Before conducting ISO 14704, it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


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  that are accurate and repeatable.

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