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ISO 10275 – Tensile Strain Hardening Exponent of Metal Sheets and Strips

ISO 10275 specifies a method for determining the tensile strain hardening exponent of flat products (sheet and strip) made of metallic materials.

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ISO 10275 – Tensile Strain Hardening Exponent of Metal Sheets and Strips


ISO 10275 specifies a method for determining the tensile strain hardening exponent of flat products (sheet and strip) made of metallic materials.

Test Method

This special tensile testing method per ISO 10275, is used to determine the strain-hardening exponents of flat metallic products (sheet and strip), by utilizing stress-

strain data of metallic sheet materials, which exhibit a continuous stress-strain curve in the plastic region.

Uniaxial displacement or strain is applied to rectangular material specimens with reduced parallel sections and the normal tensile load and strain are measured.

The true stress, true strain, the strain-hardening exponent and the strength coefficient are calculated.

ParsRos  offers Electromechanical  Universal Test Systems and Dynamic Servohydraulic Test Systems that are ideal for performing accurate and repeatable

monotonic tensile testing of metallic materials per ISO 10275.

Extensometry Options

ISO 10275 requires that extensometers conform to ISO 9513.

ParsRos offers a variety of extensometer types, ranging from clip-on, automatic to non-contacting optical and video extensometers, that meet or exceed

requirements for calibration according to ISO 9513 Class 0.5 and ASTM E83 Class B1 standards.

Factors like the specimen material, shape and dimension, the requirements for test efficiency and budget need to be considered when choosing the appropriate

strain measurement solution.

*** Before conducting ISO 10275 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


***PARSROS  offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests 

that are accurate and repeatable.

Please Contact  with our engineers so that we can find and offer  Best Universal Tensile Test Machines , Grips , Jaws and Other Accessories for your operations