ISO 34 1 2
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 2
ISO 34 3
ISO 34 4
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 5
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 6
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 7
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 8
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 9
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 10
ISO 34 Standard Test Fixture 12
ISO 34 13

ISO 34 – Tear Strength of Rubber, Vulcanized or Thermoplastic

ISO 34-1  is used to investigate the tear strength of either vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber.

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ISO 34 – 1   – Tear Strength of Rubber, Vulcanized or Thermoplastic


ISO 34-1  is used to investigate the tear strength of either vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber.

Tear testing of elastomers is particularly important because most elastomers that break or fail in their intended application do so because of the initiation and

spread of a tear.Industries utilizing this testing include raw material manufacturers, developers of elastomer technology, and producers of consumer products,

in addition to manufacturers thatuse rubber in a way where it risks failure by tearing, such as the automotive industry.

This standard specifies three different methods for specimen shape: trouser, angle, and crescent.

In all cases, force is applied to the material in a tensile direction and a value for tear strength is calculated

ISO 34-1 is intended to measure tearing strength only: anyone seeking to determine the tensile properties of elastomers should refer to ISO 37.

The specimen types used in ISO 34 testing provide a range of options for geometries and stress concentrations that might lead to the initiation of a tear in a

real-world application.

The results from this test aren’t meant to quantify the tear strength of a material in service, but simply to understand how it behaves under the specified

test conditions.

Testing is performed by pulling specimens apart using a universal test machine equipped with tensile testing grips.

*** Before conducting ISO 34 -1 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


***PARSROS  offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests

  that are accurate and repeatable.

Please Contact  with our engineers so that we can find and offer  Best Universal Tensile Test Machines , Grips , Jaws and Other Accessories for your operations