Gay Lussac Type Pycnometers
Gay Lussac Type Pycnometers

Gay Lussac Type Pycnometers


Gay Lussac Type Pycnometers are produced in accordance with ISO 3507 standard.

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Product Code Product Description
PRS-GGPSGB25 Pyknometer (Specific Gravity Bottle) 25 ml
PRS-GGPSGB50 Pyknometer (Specific Gravity Bottle) 50 ml
PRS-GGPSGB100 Pyknometer (Specific Gravity Bottle) 100 ml
PRS-GGPSGB250 Pyknometer (Specific Gravity Bottle) 250 ml
PRS-GGPSGB500 Pyknometer (Specific Gravity Bottle) 500 ml
PRS-GGPSGB1000 Pyknometer (Specific Gravity Bottle) 1000 ml
PRS-GGPSGB2000 Pyknometer (Specific Gravity Bottle) 2000 ml


Gay Lussac Type Pycnometers


Gay Lussac Type Pycnometers are produced in accordance with ISO 3507 standard.

Since the body and cap have the same serial number, they do not mix with other bodies and caps.

In addition to the approximate volume value, the exact volume values ​​are also written on the pycnometers.

The upper and lower parts are equipped with a perfectly lapped cover.

Blue enamel paint is used for writing and markings on the body.

Product Code Dimensions Weight
PRS-GGPSGB25 40x40x90 mm 0.05 kg
PRS-GGPSGB50 50x50x100 mm 0.05 kg
PRS-GGPSGB100 60x60x120 mm 0.05 kg
PRS-GGPSGB250 100x100x150 mm 0.1 kg
PRS-GGPSGB500 110x110x200 mm 0.1 kg
PRS-GGPSGB1000 150x150x220 mm 0.2 kg
PRS-GGPSGB2000 200x200x250 mm 0.3 kg