ASTM F564 Test Fixture

ASTM F564 covers characterization of the design and mechanical function of metallic staples used in the internal fixation of the  musculoskeletal system.

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ASTM F564-Standard Specification and Test Methods for Metallic Bone Staples


ASTM F564 covers characterization of the design and mechanical function of metallic staples used in the internal fixation of the  musculoskeletal system.

It is not the intention of this specification to describe or specify specific designs for metallic bone staples.

This specification includes the following four test methods for measuring mechanical properties of metallic bone staples:

Annex A1— Test Method for Constant Amplitude Bending Fatigue Tests of Metallic Bone Staples

Annex A2 —Test Method for Pull-Out Fixation Strength of Metallic Bone Staples

Annex A3 —Test Method for Soft Tissue Fixation Strength of Metallic Bone Staples

Annex A4 —Test Method for Elastic Static Bending of Metallic Bone Staples

Multiple test methods are included in this standard.

However, the user is not necessarily obligated to test using all of the described methods.

Instead, the user should only select, with justification, test methods that are appropriate for a particular device design.

*** Before conducting ASTM F564 , it is important to read the entire specification. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standard authorities.


***PARSROS  offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests

  that are accurate and repeatable.


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