ASTM D6252 01
ASTM D6252 Standard Test Fixture 2
ASTM D6252 Standard Test Fixture 3
ASTM D6252 Standard Test Fixture 4
ASTM D6252 Standard Test Fixture 5
ASTM D6252 Standard Test Fixture 6
ASTM D6252 Standard Test Fixture 7
ASTM D6252 Standard Test Fixture 8

ASTM D6252 – Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Label Stocks at a 90° Angle

ASTM D6252 – Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Label Stocks at a 90° Angle

ASTM D6252 – This test method covers the measurement of the peel adhesion of pressure-sensitive label stocks.

This test method gives a measure of the adherence to a standard steel substrate or to other surfaces of interest for a pressure-sensitive label stock.

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ASTM D6252 – Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Label Stocks at a 90° Angle


ASTM D6252 – Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Label Stocks at a 90° Angle

ASTM D6252 – This test method covers the measurement of the peel adhesion of pressure-sensitive label stocks.

This test method gives a measure of the adherence to a standard steel substrate or to other surfaces of interest for a pressure-sensitive label stock.

This test method provides a means of assessing the uniformity of the adhesion of a given type of pressure-sensitive label stock.

The assessment may be within a sheet or roll, between sheets or rolls, or between production lots.

Variations in the label stock facestock and adhesive can affect the response; therefore, this test method cannot be used to pinpoint the specific cause(s)

of nonuniformity.

This test method may not be appropriate to test label stocks having either stiff backings or backings showing a high stretch at low forces.

These characteristics could result in a high variability of the test response, which is not a true indication of the real nature of the adhesive bond.

*** Before conducting ASTM D6252 , it is important to read the entire specification in the relevant ASTM  publication.


***PARSROS  offers several types of grips and fixtures which will enable you to perform a variety of tests  that are

accurate and repeatable.

Referenced Documents

ASTM Standards

ASTM A666 Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar

ASTM  D996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environments

ASTM  D3715/D3715M Practice for Quality Assurance of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes

ASTM  D4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, or Packaging Components for Testing

ASTM  E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a Lot or Process

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